Hello to anyone reading this! I’m Neil from Tang Hall SMART. If you’ve made it to this page then you might have already navigated around the site a bit, but if not I’ll give you an overview.
We have a new website. Great. What’s it for?
Tang Hall SMART has created an online community, (or at least it will be once we have some visitors and members), this is an online community for adults as a way for you to stay connected with us, and us with you. It is a place for learning and sharing.
Due to restrictions on the way we usually do things, we can’t run our face to face provisions for the foreseeable future, so we want to do our best by putting something in place of those things.
Our team have been busy since March creating online tutorials and learning resources for bass players, drummers, pianists, guitarists, vocalists, beat makers & producers, composers, lyricist and artists. There’s a shared gallery for you to share your work as well, in whatever form it may take.
For those of you who enjoy live music; we have that covered too. Each month we’re hosting a live event through the website. Our first event will include tutors from Tang Hall SMART, performing from the comfort of their own homes. This includes me, performing as D.Ni.L, on piano and vocals as opposed to, well, as opposed to nothing really, this is a rare performance and I probably won’t be particularly comfortable, but I’ll be at home. When I have performed, I will become comfortable, on my sofa, with a can of pop. You can do the same, perhaps with something stronger, planning what you will perform at our next event the following month (September).
Tang Hall SMART has a record label and a fair bit of output was created in the three years before ‘the lock down’. Each month you can listen to ‘chosen’ singles, view all music videos released on our label, or actually purchase hard copies (that’s CDs). I will also be adding to this section where I’ll talk about equipment, possibly post some reviews, in fact, I will post some reviews ‘cause I reviewed a rather amazing guitar pedal the other day.
Be sure to check out the 'Real Lives' pages. These are a collection of experiences which you may wish to add to, and you can do this anonymously. Some staff members have added to this already and these pages offer hope and inspiration.
That’s it for now, go and check out the rest of the site if you haven't already. The learning resources are separated into three sections, some of which are free. If you want access to more resources then the 'Access' or 'Gold' memberships are what you're looking for. Please get in touch on the 'Contact' page if you need help with this.
- Neil